Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Watership Down - the Book and the Movie

I've been meaning to post about this for awhile as I finished both over a month ago. Anyway on to my thoughts.

The Book: Watership Down the novel is an incredible story. I won't say too much about it as there's plenty of reviews all over the place except that I enjoyed it enough that now that I've read it and own a copy I will read it several times in my future I'm sure. In fact for my kids if it's not assigned in school when their old enough it will be required summer reading. Everyone should check this out.

The Movie: This may have been a good animated movie back in the seventies, but watching it on DVD now is a disaster. The color fluctuates from frame to frame in some spots, the animation is inconsistent, the sound is off in parts. That's just technical stuff. As for the "story" part well that's a mess. If your curious about Watership Down and think that watching the movie first to gauge your interest is the way to go do yourself a favor and don't. This DVD is a complete waste of time and money. The only good thing I can say about it is at least I rented it rather than bought the piece of shit.

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