Thursday, December 22, 2005

Seven Deadly Sins Rating

Well here's where I rate. Not too bad but there's work to be done.

Wrath:Very Low
Envy:Very Low

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Monday, December 19, 2005

Driving Along an Idaho Highway - A Joke

Four women are driving along a highway. One from Georgia, one from Washington, one from California, and one from Idaho.

Suddenly the woman from Georgia tosses a box of peaches out the window and says "Peaches, peaches, peaches...I'm sick of peaches. I don't care if I never see another peach as long as I live!"

After a few miles the woman from Washington pitches a bag of apples out the window and says "I agree! I'm so sick of apples I could scream."

Inspired, the woman from Idaho opens the car door and kicks the woman from California out onto the highway.

I've heard this one several times. Funny and true.

Friday, December 16, 2005

State of Fear by Michael Crichton

I just finished this book and I can honestly say it's been my favorite read for 2005. Sure the characters in the book are a little too black and white, not to mention wooden, however, this novel is a pager turner. The most important thing about this book is the simple fact that it makes you think something sorely lacking in a lot of modern fiction. Highly recommended to anyone who is interested.

State of Fear
by Michael Crichton

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The difference between guts and balls

Guts - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being assaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask:
”Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?"

Balls - is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass and saying, "You're next."

Monday, November 21, 2005

The King of Holiday Inflatables

I have a few holiday inflatables but nothing like this couple has.

The King of Holiday Inflatables

Steve Jobs SNL Skit

This skit on SNL featuring "Steve Jobs" is hilarious.

Steve Jobs on SNL

Monday, November 14, 2005

Cut out Toys for Girls and Boys

My kids are too little for this but I have some nieces and nephews who might enjoy them. I'm even half way tempted to build one just for fun.

Barnacle Press: Papercraft

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bound for Glory America in Color 1939-1943

An online exhibition of color photo graphs. There's even two pictures from Idaho. One of a road to Emmett and one dear to my heart, Cascade.

Bound for Glory

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Proper Hat Etiquette

Proper hat etiquette from days long past.


More Western Slang

Here's a site with a heapin' helpin' of Western slang.

Legends of America

Monday, November 07, 2005

What about reading?

It seems like in Idaho everything you read talks about the poor state our kids and math. In fact we have charter school that are supposed to focus on math. The Idaho Statesman put out a "Discover Treasure Valley" insert and one of the things it lists is how the Treasure Valley schools performed in 2005. What I find interesting is out of 61 schools it ends up 80% missed reading but only 48% missed math. So do we focus on math because it's the trendy thing to do? Where are the charter schools whose core is reading?

Just turned thirty

Today I woke up and by back was sore and my left knee is throbbing. Yup today is my birthday.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

New National Symbol

This has been making the office rounds today.

Official Announcement

The government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Human Nose A Seal Delicacy

This is why it's fine to look at seals but not to get too close.

Seal bites off woman's nose

Friday, October 28, 2005

PC Magazine Readers Choice Routers

PC Magazine has a readers choice for routers. Apple's AirPort is one that received the Readers Choice award. That is something I agree with as I've found my AirPort Extreme to be very easy to set up and use.

Home Networking Routers

It's also worth noting that Apple's iPod dominated the MP3 player categories but that's not surprising to most people who own one.

Three Fast Photo Tricks

Macworld has an article on a few photo tricks that are pretty cool. I'll have to try them out.

3 fast photo tricks

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Keep Your Cat Inside For Halloween

We just pick up our cat, Sparticus, from the animal shelter today. He had been missing since Monday so we were pretty worried about him. It looks like he was slightly injured but he'll be okay. Anyway I just wanted to pass along this bit of info... The shelter said to keep your cat inside this week due to Halloween.

It is a good idea to keep your outdoor cat inside several days before and after Halloween. Black cats in particular may be at risk from children's pranks or other cruelty-related incidents because of the mythology of black cats being related to witches. Because of the symbolism of black cats on Halloween, many shelters do not adopt out black cats on Halloween as a safety precaution.

No goldfish bowls in Rome

I'd like to know how are they going to enforce this? Random house searches perhaps?

Rome bans goldfish bowls

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Brian Jacques Book Covers

Brian Jacques writes a series of children's books that I enjoy so I thought I'd check out his web site at

What struck me as odd is the book covers on display there are very nice looking and do a better job of capturing the essence of the books than what you can buy here in the US. So the question is why can't the same artist be used for the different countries he is published in?

High Idaho Gas Prices

The Idaho Statesman has an interesting article on why Idaho gas is 16-cents higher than the rest of the nation. My favorite quote
The recent drop in gas prices might just be a little slower reaching Idaho, High said.

"There is a linkage between our market and the national market, but it is not quite as direct as in some other areas, and that is because of the regional nature of the supply chain," High said.

The funny thing is gas prices can rise several times a day when the rest of the nations does but when prices drop they drag their feet and go into the whole "we're a different market/region" crap.

Idaho gas prices drop only half as far as in other states

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mega M&M's reviewed

Nice review of M&M's mega M&M's

marginally more

Friday, October 21, 2005

Idaho Gas Tax Cut

This is something I'd love to see happen. It would be nice if it was done in the winter to offset the higher natural gas prices we're going to have.

State gas-tax cut gains support

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Incredible Surrealist Gallery

Tons of cool pictures.

Mupinc Surrealism gallery

Toilet Snake Terrorist

If this ever happened in our house I think my wife would have a for sale sign up in a matter of seconds.


Boise Library Vote

It looks like Boise will probably be getting some more libraries. That's great. Too bad Nampa can't get another one. For Nampa being one of the largest cities in the state you sure can't tell that by going to our Library, DMV, or Post Office.

Boiseans to vote on new libraries

Monday, October 17, 2005

What's New With The iMac

Macworld has a nice write up about what's new with the iMac.

The new iMac: What you need to know

Friday, October 14, 2005

Calling all Apple Haters

Apple Haters Unite!

No Diapers Needed

Diaper Free Baby Yea, that's nice. One of their philosophies:
Prompt loving attention to our babies' needs promotes strong baby-parent bonds, fulfilling natural human instincts. The bond of trust built through feeding and comforting is strengthened when caregivers respond to the baby's elimination needs. Elimination Communication helps strengthen communication with our babies and is consistent with Attachment Parenting practices.
I don't know about you but I can do all that with my children without them "eliminating" all over me. I get plenty of that even using diapers thank you very much.

(via J-Walk Blog)

Going High Speed Part 2

Well I'm not all set up and running with broadband. I like it a lot better than dail-up. It makes watching web casts like the one here a lot easier for sure.

SpeedyQuick did a really good job on the install. I was given a two hour window from two to four and they arrived at ten after two. It took about an hour from start to finish but then I was up and running.

Hopefully this will allow me to spend more time with my family.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Safety features you need, but don't want

CNN has an interesting article on vehicle safety features that people don't want. I must be the exception. When we where looking at getting our Jeep Grand Cherokee we waited until they had models with side air bags and I made sure we had every safety feature you could put on it. To me it was a no brainer since I have two small children who's lives I'm responsible for. Apparently not too many people are that concerned with it.

Safety features you need, but don't want

Eat More Fish

Eating fish may help slow mental decline

Now if I could just convince the family that it's worth it I'd be set.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Madonna and iPod Together at Last

Rumor has it that there's a Madonna iPod in the works. If this comes to pass I've got a friend who would love this.

Rumors of special edition Madonna iPod abound

More opinions on the Specialized Roubaix

Ran across both of these posts today concerning Specialized's Roubaix. The more I read and hear about this bike the more I want to take it for a test ride.

Road Bike


Everybody'’s workin'’ for the weekend.…

Going High Speed

Well tomorrow I should be moving into the world of broadband thanks to a company called SpeedyQuick Networks. Hopefully things go smoothly as I'm a little apprehensive of how it will turn out.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

In-game ads work, study says

You might not understand it at the time, but that big Coca-Cola sign that dances across the screen in your favorite video game is making it more likely you'll reach for a Coke next time you're thirsty.

Really? For me it will make it more likely that's I reach for the off button. Or better yet not buy the game.

In-game ads work, study says

Gators Vs. Pythons

Who will come out on top?

Gators Vs. Pythons

The Historian Part 2

Well I finally finished the book. I have to be honest, this is one of the worst books I have read in a really long time and I can not recommend it to anyone.

It's a shame to since deep down there's a decent story. The book just need an editor and the author needs to practice writing better dialog.

I thought about writing about all the stuff that I found irritating in the book but I lack the interest.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

More bicycle choices

The more I look for a road bike the more I want to test ride. I'm currently considering the 2200 from Trek, from Specialized the Roubaix Elite Triple, Allez Comp Double, and Tarmac Comp. The Tarmac is a little out of my budget. Now if the bike shops could get some in that are my size so I could test ride them. Then the list would be narrowed down.

Apple Surprises Coming Up

Looks like there's something cool coming out of Cupertino soon.

Apple to hold special even Oct. 11

and it may mean...

Apple planning launch of video iPod.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Another Mac Model

Over at Apple Matters James R. Stoup makes a convincing argument on why Apple needs to come up with a new model. I agree with him completely and if Apple ever makes this a reality they can count me in for buying one.

Does the Mac Need a New Model?

Upgraded to Tiger

Well I finally upgraded my PowerBook to Tiger. I did and clean install and things went incredibly smooth. Just for fun I ran the install off of my iPod to see what that was like. It wasn't that big of a deal but I've got two more iMacs to install Tiger on so I think installing off the iPod will save me some time there.
There is one thing that I didn't enjoy. All the software updates I had to install. At the time I also installed iLife '05 and Microsoft Office 2004. They both had their own software updates as well. This would have been fine if I didn't have dial-up, and a slow dial-up at that. It took me a full 24 hours just to get everything up and running.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My AirPort is Extreme

This weekend I set up my Macs to an Apple AirPort network. It took me about 15 minutes to set up and I'm very pleased with it's performance so far. For anyone looking at doing this I recommend it.

Apple AirPort Extreme

Why We Keep On Truckin'

Slate has a good article on why we keep driving even with high gas prices.

The Grip of Gas

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Trek 2006 2100

Here's the bike I'm currently looking at getting. Now the question is while I actually get it?

Pig Personality Test

Draw a big and have a personality test performed at the same time. A fun time waster in my humble opinion.

Draw a pig personality test

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

1935 Etiquette

Man, back then they had a coat or suit for every event.

1935 Etiquette Manual

Old West slang and phrases

Go to this site and you'll have a hog-killin' time.

Old West slang and phrases

.Mac Storage Increase

Finally! Apple raised it's storage limit for .Mac.

Apple's .Mac

Steve Jobs discusses music labels, iPods and Intel Macs

Macworld did a nice write up of Apple's media chat at the Apple Expo Paris.

Lots of good stuff.

Jobs and Co.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Cold Mountain the movie

I watched Cold Mountain on DVD over the weekend. I didn't really know what to expect and I assumed going into it that it was a chic flick set in the Civil War era. Boy was a wrong. It is an interesting film that I think I'll have to watch again to fully absorb. Some of the dialog came off a little odd to me and casting Jude Law was a mistake that distracts from the overall believability of the film. It is worth a rental at least and it does make me interested in reading the book that it is based on.

Bottled Water? I think I'll pass.

Here's another reason why my family doesn't drink bottled water. Cavities increase.

Bottled Water Cited as Contributing to Cavity Comeback

Friday, September 16, 2005

Another bike

Okay now I'm looking into Trek's 2100 road bike. I gave it a test ride the other day and I left very impressed. Trek's website shows the 2005 model and I rode the new 2006 model. So far the only difference I've noticed is a different (and more boring) paint job for 2006.

Nintendo's Revolution Controller revealed

The new controller looks... Interesting. At first I was turned off by it but the more I think about it the more interested I am in trying it out. I will say that this will either be a huge success for Nintendo or a colossal failure and it will be the software makers who will decide that one.

Nintendo's Revolution Controller

Pizza Driver Complaints

The most aggravating things about being a driver: What we endure 29 points.

Example: Sexual harassment from the customer.

This is a problem that female drivers experience. You get multiple invitations to come back after work, eyed up and down, and a lot of stupid flirtatious comments. At times a female driver might get better tips, but you don't want to be tipped after feeling like a piece of meat or bearing the brunt of sexist jokes.

People in their own homes are far more bold than if they were in a public scene like a restaurant. You are alone on their turf. It can be a scary situation, not knowing what could come next. You're usually outnumbered. It will be your word against theirs. Unfortunately, sexual harassment from the customer seems to happen from the drunk and the sober alike.

Sometimes a customer won't tip unless you comply. On other occasions, a customer lodges a fake complaint to send you back to the house with the intent of asking you for a date. You lose out on other deliveries by wasting your time and risk losing your job with the bogus complaint.

Not only does a customer sometimes harass the driver, bystanders make sexual remarks. You get out of your car and walk toward the house and a group of guys surround you and make vulgar and suggestive comments. It makes your skin crawl the way some men stare at you like a wolf about to make a kill.

A male driver is far less likely to experience this kind of harassment. It can happen and more often than one cares to admit.

Back in the day when I worked at McDonald's it always amazed me the amount of scum bags who would harass the women working in drive through. At least they have a wall between them and the slim balls along with their co-workers nearby.

(via J-Walk Blog)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I like my bike trailers Burley

We purchased a Burley bike trailer. The Encore model to be exact.

I took the kids for a spin in it yesterday and boy do I wish we would have bought it a lot sooner than we did. You can hardly tell that you're pulling anything it rolls so smooth. The kids loved it and afterwards it folds up rather small and it takes about 3 minutes to take down or put together.

Highly recommended!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Historian Initial Thoughts

Well I've started reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. I'm about a third of the way through it and I'm a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it's a good story and it moves a long at a decent clip but I keep getting the sense that this was a book written by committee. As if there is a formula that was followed in it's writing. I've also noticed that the dialog doesn't sound very natural or distinctive between the characters. These are all minor things yet I find they distract me from the story more than they should. Perhaps my opinion will change once I've finished it. I'll post I follow up once I've done that.

Looking at Trek Road Bikes

Well the wife and I are looking into road bikes. We're looking at Trek's alpha aluminum frames so either the 1000, 1200, or 1500. Tough choices. We stopped by a bike shop on Monday to check them out but we didn't take any for a test drive. I think we'll also be looking into what Specialized is offering as well.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Water crisis from melting glaciers

This is a tough one. If they melt they cause problems, if they were growing it would cause problems, and if they did nothing people would still be alarmed.

Water crisis looms as Himalayan glaciers melt

Thursday, September 08, 2005

First look: iPod nano

Over at they've got a first look at the iPod nano. I'd like to see one in person.

iPod nano first look

iTunes 5

Well I downloaded iTunes 5 onto one of my Macs last night. I like the new look. One thing I noticed is that the corners of the application are a little more squared then they used to be. Not that this information matters to anyone but I notice stupid things like this.

Stephen King's On Writing

I just finished reading my first Stephen King book On Writing, obviously this is nothing like his other works, however, I did find that I enjoyed it despite the fact that I'm not a writer or anything of the sort.

Anyway the book is, in a nut shell, Stephen King's take on writing but it also goes into his life as a writer. I'm not a fan of horror at all but I think I'll look into seeing if I can get a copy of The Green Mile since I enjoyed that movie.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

iPod nano

Another cool iPod from Apple. iPod nano The question I have is do you prefer the white or black model?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Twinings Tea

You know I've heard a lot of good things about Twinings tea. I think this weekend I'll have to pick some up and see how it compares to my favorite tea company, The Republic of Tea.


Ran across this today (LibraryThing). Looks like you can catalog your books online (for free even). Currently I've been using Books for Mac OS X but I may just have to try this out. Anyone out there already use it?

Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina - Predicted 4 Years Ago

Wow, they pretty much knew it would be like this. How terrible.

Drowning New Orleans

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Gmail Notifier for OS X

Looks like Google has made a Gmail notifier for Mac OS X. I'll probably try and download it in the next couple of day and give it a spin. Any body who has used it have an opinion on it yet?

Gmail Notifier for Mac OS X

Mighty Mouse Dissection

Over at Apple Matters they've dissected Apple's new Mighty Mouse.

Mighty Mouse Dissection

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wacky Uses

Discover hundreds of little-known uses for well-known products,
by just clicking on a product!

Crazy stuff you can do with household items.

Wacky Uses

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Pencil Info

Lots of pencil info for those people into that sort of thing.

Pencil Revolution

Monday, August 29, 2005

Apple is planning a special event.

Let the speculation on what this could be begin.

Apple's special event

Comment Spammers Suck

Man I've had a problem with comment spam for the past two weeks. I turned on ye ol' word verification option so hopefully that will help.

Eleven Point Five: I Want My Life Back

Eleven Point Five: I Want My Life Back

Interesting post concerning the Human Zoo. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Human Zoo

What a crazy stunt. I think I'll keep an eye on it.

The Human Zoo

The Diary of a Homeless Person

Ran across this blog today. Only one post but it is interesting. I may have to keep checking it out and see where it goes.

The Diary of a Homeless Person

New DVD Player

Well yesterday we picked up a new DVD player since our old one gave up the ghost. It's another Sony, but we hope this works better than our old one. Time will tell.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Email and a Phone Call

I've never really enjoyed talking on the phone and now I feel the same way about email. Ninety-nine percent of the time the emails I receive are either spam, a joke, or an email to myself of something I want to remember. Add that to the fact that after sitting in front of a computer all day at work I just don't feel motivated to start over once I get home.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Apple is PC Magazine's Editors Choice

I have two Apple computers. A 17-inch iMac with swivel base and a 12-inch Powerbook. Both have performed exceptionally well.

Once again, Apple achieves scores that are far and away the highest for all vendors in our survey, earning Readers' Choices in both desktops

Death Penalty Sought for Sex Offender

I hope this waste of sperm and egg does end up getting a death sentence.

Death penalty sought in Groene killings

Too bad this isn't Idaho

Bikes help Oregon check obesity

Longest Eyebrow

Why would you ever want to draw attention to yourself in this way?

Eyebrow record holder wins by a long hair

All the talk about Google talk

This is getting a lot of press lately. I haven't tried it out myself but I probably will in the next week or two.

Google Talk

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What to read this fall?

Look at this article and you'll know why fiction is on the downward spiral.

What to read this fall

Plastic For Gas

I feel sorry for the people who do this and let it get out of hand. Of course that's what the credit card companies like to see.

Drivers use credit cards to manage gas pain

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My Dream Road Bike

If money wasn't an issue I'd love to own this bike.

Specialized Roubaix

Dust Off Your Bikes!

Gas for $5 a gallon in 2006. I'll need to get a goat to mow my lawn.

Hearing Loss & iPods

Hearing loss in Australia's youth attributed to iPods

Don't turn it up too loud.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Never Read a Book?

Apparently Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham) has never read a book. Why does that not surprise me.

On Not Reading (via the Literary Saloon)

When an Idiot Has an iPod

He writes junk like this.

iPod: Just a hard disk with a 'play' button

Idaho Cost of Living is Up

Cost of living, driving rise again
Gas price increases fuel fears that valley's economy will suffer

"If it's going to cost $35 or $40 to fill the tank, that's definitely going to have an impact on the discretionary spending that the economy has gotten used to," Matthews said.

I don't know about you and yours but it has had an impact on our discretionary spending. I think this Christmas will be tight at Casa Feiling due to the price increases to our electric, automobile, and natural gas increases.

Xbox Pricing Revealed

Xbox Pricing

Microsoft announced that the Xbox 360 will be released in two SKUs, the "Xbox 360 Core System" and the "Xbox 360." The two products will be sold at $299 and $399, respectively. The two systems break down as follows:

Xbox 360 Core System - $299 (299 Euros, 209 GBP)
•Xbox 360 console
•Wired controller
•Detachable faceplate
•Xbox Live Silver membership
•Standard AV cables

Xbox 360 - $399 (399 Euros, 279 GBP)
•Xbox 360 console
•20GB detachable hard drive
•Wireless controller
•Wireless Xbox Live headset
•High-definition AV cables
•Ethernet cable
•Xbox 360 Media Remote Control (limited time)
•Detachable faceplate
•Xbox Live Silver membership

My favorite quote of the article:
Michael Pachter, of Wedbush Morgan Securities, wasn't as cheerful. He sees the $299 model as a "publicity stunt." "They're doing it to say they are launching at $299. The hardcore guys will absolutely not buy the $299 model...Only a complete idiot would buy the $299 model.

If I pick up one I'll be in the "complete idiot" category since I don't see the benefits of the hard drive since it's not required to play games. For me I just want a gaming box not a Swiss Army knife.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Will I Find You?

I've been debating about purchasing John Irving's new novel Until I Find You; however, I keep reading a lot of reviews like this one. Maybe when it moves to the discount bin I'll pick up a copy.

iPod Woes

Well the two sets of foam covers that came with my iPod have been lost and I'm in the market for new ones. So far I've found that Radio Shack and Sumajin both carry replacements that would suit my needs; however, they are both around a buck a piece and I'd prefer to find a bag of 50 with a cheaper per unit cost. I mean come on people it's just a piece of foam.

Be More Satisfied By Purchasing A Mac

Study: Dell customer rating plunges, Apple leads pack

U.S. consumers lambasted Dell Inc. for poor customer service in a survey conducted last quarter, sending the world’s largest PC vendor into a virtual tie with the rest of the PC market behind the industry-leading efforts of Apple.

Technology Making Life Better

Great news for authors and small publishers who are not in the "in" crowd.

Big doors opened by

Shuffling With One Hand

My Grandmother could do this but sadly I've never learned the technique.
One Hand Card Shuffle

(via J-Walk Blog)

Monday, August 15, 2005

I need a new DVD player

Well our old DVD player is about to give up the ghost. Anyone have a brand model to recommend?

Xbox 360 May Not Include Hard Drive?

I wish Microsoft would come out and directly say if the Xbox 360 will or will not include a hard drive. The system launches in three months and it appears there's still a lot of things up in the air.

Xbox 360 May Not Include Hard Drive?

Music Industry Worried About CD-Burning

Music Industry Worried About CD-Burning

Lets punish many for the few...

More on IE 7 or what ever it's called now.

Advances In Microsoft Browsers

I've got your phobia right here buddy!

Here's a large list of phobias for those who are curious about such things.
One of my favorites is Arachibutyrophobia.

The Phobia List

Friday, August 12, 2005

NSA and a Tiger upgrade?

I hope the NSA upgrades this handy PDF for Mac OS X Tiger.

Apple Mac OS X v10.3.x "Panther" Security Configuration Guide (FYI: This is a PDF download.)

IE 7 Yea or Nay

Looks like Microsofts IE 7 is going to be the best thing since sliced bread.
New IE browser catches up with rivals

...or a complete wast of time.

IE 7.0 Technical Changes Leave Web Developers, Users in the Lurch
My advice is simple: Boycott IE. It's a cancer on the Web that must be stopped. IE isn't secure and isn't standards-compliant, which makes it unworkable both for end users and Web content creators. Because of their user bases, however, Web developers are hamstrung into developing for IE at the expense of established standards that work well in all other browsers. You can turn the tide by demanding more from Microsoft and by using a better alternative Web browser. I recommend and use Mozilla Firefox, but Apple Safari (Macintosh only) and Opera 8 are both worth considering as well.

I agree with the later.

Formal Place Setting

I'm not sure about you but this comes up all the time at our place.

Jane Yolen

I've been curious about Jane's books for some time. Now that I've got a few children of my own I finally have an excuse.

J-Walk Blog Link Experiment

J-Walk Blog Link Experiment

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Land of the politically correct

Take some cool names and replace them with stupid names so some sissy doesn't throw a fit. I'm sorry but Amalgam Warrior sounds a lot stronger than Amalgam Phantom.

Airspace exercises to drop references to U.S. Indians

Why not stay at an iStudio

For aspiring auteurs and amateur film buffs, Tribeca Grand is also featuring a "Director's Cut" package that includes iStudio accommodations along with a hand-held digital video camcorder so guests can record their personal in-room experiences as well as those in the surrounding neighborhood and city. Once shooting is completed, this slice of New York life can be edited using the G5 computer with pre-installed iLife software (iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD, iTunes and GarageBand) to add special effects, cut unwanted scenes, and lay a soundtrack to create an instant classic...
"...personal in-room experiences... "

Why rent porn when you can create your own! Technology making our lives better ladies and gentlemen.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Do Macs exist?

If a Mac article falls in a forest of Windows articles, does it make a sound?

I wonder the same thing and Chris Howard does a nice job of it over at

Do Macs exist?

High School For Life

Apparently, what starts in school doesn’t end until retirement.

It pays to be popular at work.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Why choose a Mac?

Let us count the ways.

Why choose a Mac.

My next bike?

Looks like Specialized is making a revolutionary line of bikes. Perhaps there will be one in my future.

New Specialized Bikes

Monday, August 08, 2005

The Story of Us

The wife and I bought this movie on DVD and watched it over the weekend. For some reason it's one of my favorite movies. Perhaps because in my life I've experienced either first hand or watched similar events take place with my folks as a child.

The Story of Us

All About Ranch

If you were ever curious about the history of Ranch dressing here's a place to find out a little about it.

Friday, August 05, 2005

As I Lay Dying

I just finished reading this book a week or two ago. I think it's a very good book once you get a handle on how the chapters are set up. Not for everyone but if you like a book with a good story that will exercise your brain I highly recommend it.

Getting Started

Hello there. I've decided to start this to do two things, to see what blogging is all about, and if I have anything interesting to say. Time will tell what happens.