Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lincoln by David Herbert Donald

This book is the best biography I have ever read.

It all started when I asked a friend I work with if there was a good biography on Lincoln that covered his whole life. I was looking for a complete picture not just a specific time in his life.

This book is what he came up with and I am very glad he did. This book covers his life from start to finish and really gives you a lot of insight into all things Lincoln. Reading this book I found that a lot of who I thought Lincoln was, why he made the choices he did, and his overall character where a lot different than I had naively assumed. It's amazing how much I took for granted.

Some examples would be the fact that he was a very unpopular president, he didn't like the sight of blood (just like me), and emancipation wasn't his chief motivation for the civil war.

This book is very well written. I found it to be engrossing unlike any other biography I've ever read. There was never a dull moment. I don't remember the word count, but it's not a small book by any means, however, I can't recommend reading it enough.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Moleskine Alternatives from Black Cover

In Black Cover's own words, "Check out this site which is dedicated to finding Moleskine alternatives. I’m shilling to win a contest, so please check them out!."

Basically if I win I'll get a set of five Piccadilly notebooks, so please check them out. If you are in to notebooks at all this is a good site to visit.