Thursday, August 17, 2006

Waking Up Without Snooze

I hate the snooze button, yet I use it every day, several times in a row. Perhaps this will help.

Surefire Way to Wake Up Without the Snooze

Email Checking Tips

Here's a good article discussing when to check your email. I have to admit I'm guilty of doing the pm email check and having it eat up way too much of my night.

Never Check Your Email First Or Last

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006


I'm trying to get my photo posted so here goes.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Another Bike Tour Part 2

No wrecks! No one that I'm aware of crashed on this ride. That's a relief and it was nice to roll through the finish line on the bike.

So how did it go? In a word, okay. It was windy and chilly but the strangest thing to me is that it didn't seem as though as many people were having fun as it did at the Bob LeBow tour. Maybe it was the weather or that fact that this is only the fourth time blue cross has put this on but there was something different about it.

I think I'd try it again next year but I won't be as excited for it as I will the Bob LeBow ride.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Another Bike Tour

Well it's time to try another bike tour. This one is called Blues Cruise Wheels for Wellness. Unfortunately, my wife will not be attending as she is still recovering from her bicycle accident (and will be for a least another three months or more). Hopefully this one is accident free. I'm riding the 30 mile loop.